Image Credit: Jaap BuitendijkIt was a Thanksgiving feast for the teenage wizard, as
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows — Part 1 led the box office on Thursday by engulfing $11.5 million, according to
early estimates. That result brings the PG-13 fantasy film’s seven-day gross to $170 million. Not far behind on Thanksgiving, and performing stronger than expected, was Disney’s animated musical
Tangled, which earned $8.1 million. The PG-rated retelling of
Rapunzel should continue to thrive during the weekend thanks to excellent word-of-mouth — CinemaScore audiences rated it a rare “A+”. The two family-friendly movies also dominated the box office on Wednesday, with
Deathly Hallows grossing an estimated $14.5 million and
Tangled snaring $11.6 million. Thanksgiving Day results are below. Check back tomorrow for a full recap of Friday’s numbers, which should provide a clearer picture of how the weekend will unfold.
1. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows — Part 1 — $11.5 mil
2. Tangled — $8.1 mil
3. Unstoppable — $2.53 mil
4. Burlesque — $2.5 mil
5. Megamind — $2.0 mil
6. Love and Other Drugs — $1.93 mil
7. Faster — $1.91 mil
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